Listed below are recent publications by IAWIS/AIERTI members and other recent publications relevant to Word & Image studies.
Anne-Marie CHRISTIN: Escrita e Imagem. Editors: Júlio Castañon Guimarães and Márcia Arbex-Enrico. Belo Horizonte: Editora Relicário, 2023
Nadia Fartas: Simplicité et diversité. Mutations du sensible dans la modernité : Flaubert, Baudelaire, Monet (posted 2023-01-26)
Leonid Bilmes: Ekphrasis, Memory and Narrative after Proust (posted 2022-11-24)
Olivier Leplatre: Le Lait des images (posted 2022-10-05)
David Pinho Barros: The Clear Line in Comics and Cinema (posted 2022-09-15)
Jan Baetens: Novelization. From Film to Novel. OSU Press, 2018.
Maria L. Felixmüller: Produktive Unordnung: Metamorphosen der Wunderkammer bei Aby M. Warburg und im Internet. zu Klampen Verlag, 2018.
Marie Laureillard : Feng Zikai, Un caricaturiste lyrique, Dialogue du mot et du trait, 2018.
Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes (ed.): Brian O’Doherty/Patrick Ireland: Word, Image and Institutional Critique. Valiz/visà-vis Series, Amsterdam, 2018.
Liliane Louvel: The Pictorial Third, An Essay into Intermedial Criticism. Transl. Angeliki Tseti. Routledge, 2018.
Sara Callahan, Magdalena Holdar, Christer Johansson and Sonya Petersson (eds.): The Power of the In-between: Intermediality as a Tool for Aesthetic Analysis and Critical Reflection. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press, 2018.
Lauren Beck and Christina Ionescu (eds.). Visualizing the Text: From Manuscript Culture to the Age of Caricature. University of Delaware Press, 2017.
Kathryn Brown: Matisse’s Poets: Critical Performance in the Artist’s Book. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017.
Yvonne Elet: Architectural Invention in Renaissance Rome: Artists, Humanists, and the Planning of Raphael's Villa Madama. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.
Eve Kalyvas: Image and Text in Conceptual Art: Critical Operations in Context. Palgrave/Macmillan, 2017.
Jeanne E. Glesener, Nathalie Roelens, und Heinz Sieburg (eds.) Il_sistema_del_velo_Système_du_voile, eds. Das Paradigma der Interkulturalität Themen und Positionen in Europäischen Literaturwissenschaften. Transcript: Bielefeld, 2017.
Marco Maggi: Walter Benjamin and Dante: A constellation in the image-space. Rome: Donzelli, 2017.
Maria L. Felixmüller: “Warburg’s cultural psychology as a tool for understanding Internet memes”. Philosophy of Photography, Volume 8, Numbers 1-2 (October 2017) : 211-220.
Maaheen Ahmed, Stéphanie Delneste et Jean-Louis Tilleuil (eds.) : Le Statut culturel de la bande Dessinée, Ambiguités et Evolutions, The Cultural Standing of Comics Ambiguities and Changes. Academia, coll. Text-Image, 2016.
Stephen Cheeke: Transfiguration: The Religion of Art in Nineteenth Century Literature Before Aestheticism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.
MAAHEEN AHMED. Openness of Comics: Generating Meaning within Flexible Structures. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2016. ISBN 9781496805935.
MASSIMO LEONE, HENRI DE RIEDMATTEN, and VICTOR I. STOICHITA, eds. Il sistema del velo / Système du voile : Trasparenze e opacità nell’arte moderna e contemporanea / Transparence et opacité dans l’art moderne et
contemporain (in Italian and French). Rome: Aracne, 2016. ISBN 978-88-548-8838-8.
LAURENCE PETIT and PASCALE TOLLANCE. Point, Dot, Period... The Dynamics of Punctuation in Text and Image. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016. ISBN 978-1-4438-8806-6.
PAOLA SICA. Futurist Women: Florence, Feminism and the New Sciences. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. ISBN 978-1-137-50803-4.
RAPHAËL BARONI and Françoise Revaz, eds. Narrative Sequence in Contemporary Narratology: Theory and Interpretation of Narrative. The Ohio State University Press, 2016. ISBN 978-0-8142-1296-7.
RAPHAËL BARONI et Françoise Jost, eds. Télévision 7: Repenser le récit avec les séries televises. CNRS Editions Alpha, 2016. ISBN 978-2-271-09161-1.
LAURENCE BROGNIEZ et VALÉRIE DUFOUR. Entretiens d’artistes. Poétiques et pratiques. Paris: Vrin, « MusicologieS », 2016. ISBN 978-2-7116-2576-5.
MARTINE HENNARD DUTHEIL DE LA ROCHÈRE, Gillian Lathey, Monika Wozniak, eds. Cinderella Across Cultures: New Directions and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Wayne State University Press, 2016. ISBN 9780814341551.
MARCO MAGGI, ed. and postface to Samuele Gabai, Emergenze. Note da sketchbook e opere su carta. Milano: Medusa, 2016. ISBN 978-88-7698-257-6.
WILLIAM OLMSTED. The Censorship Effect: Baudelaire, Flaubert, and the Formation of French Modernism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. ISBN 9780190238636.
AARNOUD ROMMENS. The Art of Joaquín Torres-García: Constructive Universalism and the Inversion of Abstraction. Routledge, 2016. ISBN 9781472471437.
Hanna Chuchvaha: Art Periodical Culture in Late Imperial Russia (1898-1917). Print Modernism in Transition. Boston & Leiden: Brill, 2016.
Leone, Massimo, Henri de Riedmatten, and Victor I. Stoichita (eds.). Il sistema del velo / Système du voile: Trasparenze e opacità nell’arte moderna e contemporanea / Transparence et opacité dans l’art moderne et contemporain. Rome: Aracne, 2016.
Dany Rasemont: Julius Corentin Acquefacques, par-delà la bande et le dessin. Louvain-La-Neuve, GRIT, Second augmented ed., 2016 (1999).
Gabriele Rippl (ed): Handbook of Intermediality: Literature – Image – Sound – Music. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2015.
TIMOTHY ERWIN. Augustan Design and the Invention of Eighteenth-Century British Culture. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 2015. ISBN 978-1-61148-569-1.
IAN HAGUE AND CAROLENE AYAKA, eds. Representing Multiculturalism in Comics and Graphic Novels. London: Routledge, 2015. ISBN 978-1-13-802515-8.
NATHALIE ROELENS. Prière d’insérer: Éloge du dépaysement. Du voyage au tourisme. Paris: Éditions Kimé, 2015. ISBN 978-2-84174-695-8.
GUIDO FURCI. Asinus in fabula. Avignon: Cardère, 2015. ISBN 9782914053808.
GROUPE μ (Francis Edeline). Principia Semiotica. Aux sources du sens. Bruxelles: Les Impressions Nouvelles, 2015. ISBN 9782874493065.
MATTHEW JARRON. Independent & Individualist: Art in Dundee 1867–1924. Dundee: Abertay Historical Society in association with the University of Dundee Museum Services, 2015. ISBN 978-0-900019-56-2.
MASSIMO LEONE, ed.. Censura / Censorship. Monographic issue of Lexia, 21-22 (in Italian, French, English, and Spanish). Rome: Aracne, 2015. ISBN 978-88-548-9127-2.
MASSIMO LEONE. Signatim: Profili di semiotica della cultura (in Italian). Rome: Aracne, 2015. ISBN 978-88-548-8730-5.
Massimo Leone. الدينية†الأصولية†سميائيات†(in Arabic). Amman, Jordan: Dar Konoz, 2015. ISBN 978-99-577-4011-5. 15 JOD.
THOMAS WARTENBERG. Mel Bochner: Illustrating Philosophy. University Press of New England, 2015. ISBN 978-0989083539.
TIMOTHY ERWIN. Textual Vision: Augustan Design and the Invention of 18th-Century British Culture, Bucknell, 2015. ISBN 978-1-61148-665-0.
PHILIPPE KAENEL ET DANIEL MAGGETTI, eds. Gustave Roud: La plume et le regard. Infolio, 2015. ISBN 9782884743716.
ALESSANDRO NIGRO. Ritratti e autoritratti surrealisti. Fotografia e fotomontaggio nella Parigi di André Breton. Padova: Cleup, 2015. ISBN 978 88 6787 249 7.
GABRIELE RIPPL, ed. Handbook of Intermediality: Literature – Image – Sound – Music. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2015. ISBN 978-3-11-031107-5.
HANS-PETER WAGNER et al., eds. Der Garten im Fokus kultureller Diskurse im 18. Jahrhundert / The Garden in the Focus of Cultural Discourses in the Eighteenth Century. Trier: WVT, 2015. ISBN 978-3-86821-616-5.
Alessandro Nigro (Università degli Studi di Firenze): " « L’Homme 100-têtes »: André Breton photographié par Man Ray devant L’Énigme d’une journée de Giorgio De Chirico. Entre portrait et autoportrait,” in Autoportrait et alterité, ed. Sandrine Lascaux and Yves Ouallet (Mont-Saint-Aignan: Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, 2014), 117-45.
KIRSTY BELL. Coprésences, entrecroisements. Le pictural et le narratif chez Marie-Claire Blais et Sergio Kokis. Amsterdam: Brill/Rodopi, 2014. ISBN 9789042038875.
LARS ELLESTRÖM, Media Transformation: The Transfer of Media Characteristics Among Media. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. ISBNs: 9781137474247. DOI: 10.1057/9781137474254.
JUDY KENDALL. insatiable carrot. Gwynedd: Cinnamon Press, 2014. ISBN 978-1-909077-71-3.
LAURENCE ROUSSILLON-CONSTANTY (co-edited with Dominique Vaugeois and Michael Parsons). Empreinte, Imprégnation, impression. Pau: Presses Universitaires de Pau, 2014. ISBN 2-35311-056-8.
VICTOR STOICHITA. L'Image de l'Autre. Noirs, Juifs, Musulmans et “Gitans” dans l'art occidental des Temps Modernes. Paris: Hazan, 2014. EAN 9782754107686.
VICTOR STOICHITA. Oublier Bucarest. Arles: Actes Sud, 2014. ISBN 978-2-330-03789-5.
CATRIONA MACLEOD. Fugitive Objects: Sculpture and Literature in the German Nineteenth Century. Northwestern UP, 2014.
Øystein Sjåstad: A Theory of the Tache in Nineteenth-Century Painting (posted 2014-08-01)
Massimo Leone: Immaginario – Imaginary. Rome: Aracne, 2011. (Ann. posted 2011-07-13)
Julia Friedman : Beyond Symbolism and Surrealism. Alexei Remizov’s Synthetic Art. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 2010. (Ann. updated 2010-10-16)
Lars Elleström (ed.): Media Borders, Multimodality and Intermediality. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 26 March 2010. (Ann. updated 2009-11-13)
Lauren S. Weingarden: Louis H. Sullivan and a 19th-Century Poetics of Naturalized Architecture. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing, 2009. (Ann. updated 2009-03-30)
Laurence Danguy: L’ange de la jeunesse – La revue Jugend et le Jugendstil à Munich. Paris: Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2009. (Ann. posted 2009-03-06)
Claire-Akiko Brisset (editor): Du bon usage des images : autour des codes visuels en Chine et au Japon. Saint-Denis: Publications Universitaires de Vincennes, 2008. (Ann. updated 2009-02-13)
Carol Adlam, Juliet Simpson (eds.): Critical Exchange: Art Criticism of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries in Russia and Western Europe. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2009. (Ann. posted 2009-01-22)
Ed: Birgitte Grundtvig, martin McLaughlin and Lene Waage Petersen: Image, Eye and Art in Calvino. Writing Visibility. London: Legenda / Modern Humanities Research Association and Maney Publishing, 2007. (Ann. updated 2008-04-23)
Anne-Marie Christin et Atsushi Miura (eds.): La lettre et l’image : Nouvelles approches. Paris: Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7 (= Textuel, nr 54 ), 2007. (Ann. updated 2007-11-15)
Gudula Mayr: Ernst Barlach als Illustrator eigener Texte – Die Druckgrafiken zu den Dramen. Kromsdorf: VDG Weimar, 2006. (Ann. updated 2007-02-12)
Catherine Emerson / Maria Scott (eds.): Artful Deceptions – Verbal and Visual Trickery in French Culture. Oxford etc.: Verlag Peter Lang AG, 2006. (Ann. posted 2006-06-15)
Éric Méchoulan (ed.): Transmission. Montréal: Université de Montréal, 2005. (Ann. updated 2005-07-21)
Willard Bohn: Marvelous Encounters: Surrealist Responses to Film, Art, Poetry, and Architecture. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2005. (Ann. posted 2005-07-21)
Margriet Hoogvliet (ed.): Multimedia Compositions from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period. Leuven: Peeters, 2004. (Ann. updated 2005-11-29)
Nils Holger Petersen, Claus Clüver and Nicolas Bell (eds.): Signs of Change: Transformations of Christian Traditions and their Representation in the Arts, 1000-2000. Amsterdam/New York, NY: Rodopi, 2004. (Ann. posted 2005-02-16)
Ellen Spolsky (ed.): Iconotropism: Turning Toward Pictures. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2004. (Ann. posted 2005-02-16)
Dario L. Gamboni: ‘Mana’o tupapa’u: Jarry, Gauguin et la fraternité des arts’. In: Michael Einfalt et al. (eds.), Intellektuelle Redlichkeit – Intégrité intellectuelle: Literatur – Geschichte – Kultur. Festschrift für Joseph Jurt. Heidelberg: Winter, 2005, pp. 459 – 475. (Ann. posted 2005-06-21)